Everything about this High Fidelity demo is pretty damn impressive:
It's mainly meant to demonstrate the use of HTC Vive Hand Controls and High Fidelity physics, and that's impressive enough, but I was also taken at how expressive and relatively fluid the avatar's gestures and mouth animations have become. Presented by HF Director of Content Caitlyn Meeks, it occurred to me that all this waving around might have gotten tiring. Caitlyn tells me not so:
Note: Exploding gnomes coming soon!
"Not at all tired! In fact, it's a lot easier to lift Vive controllers than real rocks or garden gnomes, so it was pretty easy," she says. "The only thing that was tiring about it was getting it all in one take. I did about four takes before this one until I stumbled on my words or was interrupted by my dog jumping on me IRL." Occupational hazard when you're wearing a VR headset and can't see the damn dog coming, I guess.
Much more from Caitlyn next week -- meantime, please watch, and discuss among yourselves.
Hat tip to Debs Butler for the video!
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This looks great! Nice demo Caitlyn! I believe this was produced in a mocap suit? High Fidelity is coming along in leaps and bounds!
Posted by: Stroker Serpentine | Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 05:52 AM
Nope! Just a vive hmd and two handheld controllers. Everything else is automatic inverse kinematics! Neat huh!
Posted by: Caitlyn Meeks | Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 08:09 PM
I can see hand controls being cool for things like holding hands with your significant other, cooking an omelette along with a holographic Julia Child showing you how to do this, or perhaps picking your nose (hey realism is important right?) -- especially if some new technology allows your hand to "feel" the experience. However, I do not know about labor-intensive tasks like planting a garden. I can imagine a virtual world enthusiast 10 years from now wearing hand controls planting radishes in her garden thinking "why can't someone figure out an easier way of doing this using a track ball and a menu? It would save so much time and my wrist would not be killing me".
Posted by: Eddi Haskell | Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 05:39 AM
sansar need to be bit like it :)
Posted by: יעקב | Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 06:05 PM
It is a wonderfull age the one we are living in, from the ZX Spectrum to here it has bern an amazing journey
Posted by: Carlos Loff | Monday, April 18, 2016 at 06:49 AM