I'm highly biased but I think this presentation by my pal Jim "Babbage Linden" Purbrick gave to Facebook developers recently is pretty damn interesting:
Now at Facebook himself, Jim explains how he helped scale Second Life during its high growth period, and just as important, connect it to the web through APIs, then went on to do the same with Eve Online. Some highlights:
- Discussing Linden Lab's "firebreak" strategy to stop grey goo attacks in SL. (Around 13 minutes in.)
- What Suzanne Vega's appearance in SL (see video below) taught Jim about scaling. (Around 16 minutes in.)
- Interestingly, judging by concurrency rates, Eve Online is slightly less active than SL. (23 minutes in.)
Also: epic space battle. After watching it, I got to chatting with Jim on Facebook Messenger (of course), and he made some really interesting points about scaling VR-enabled virtual worlds I'll discuss in a future post.
By the way, here's the video I shot of the Suzanne Vega show in SL which happened (wow) almost exactly ten years ago:
Per Jim's talk, note all the bald heads in the crowd!
Pictured: The firewall stopping "grey goo" from sweeping SL!
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It's a good presentation, but misleading if anyone believes that blogs and websites enable people to know what's going on in world. Things change so quickly in SL, and there is such a diversity of content, that the task of trying to work out what's going on overwhelms any system you try to set up. Individual groups or sims have their own websites and blogs, and really the most that anyone can do is to try to follow those things that they know about - which is bound to be a tiny proportion of all that is in SL.
Posted by: Caliandris | Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 05:30 AM