Then ex-Governor Warner in 2006, making a pre-campaign appearance in Second Life
According to the New York Times, Mark Warner is on a very short list of candidates who'll most likely become Hillary Clinton's Vice Presidential running mate, right alongside Democratic stars like Julián Castro, Deval Patrick, and Elizabeth Warren:
Who he is: Senator from Virginia since 2009 and former governor.
What he could bring to the ticket: Mr. Warner also offers a strong footing in a key state while bringing legislative, executive and business experience. He is also well liked by progressive activists.
Another thing he could bring: His status as a virtual reality pioneer, being the first nationally prominent politician to make a virtual reality campaign appearance, all the way back in 2006. Yes, in Second Life. More on his appearance here. This happened when Warner was being groomed as a likely 2008 candidate for President, and his appearance as an SL avatar before a large audience of reporters and voters was part of that preparation. I got to moderate the event, and then met Senator Warner in real life a few weeks afterward -- I found him to be an impressive person, able to juggle conflicting ideas and perspectives and find a synthesis.*
Warner isn't even the first real life candidate with a virtual reality background to get close to the Presidency:
My avatar interviewing Warner's avatar -- full transcript here
That honor (if it is one at all) belongs to Newt Gingrich, who made a Second Life appearance in 2007, and then went on to become frontrunner (for a short time) to run against President Obama in 2012. Then again, he never really had much of a chance of actually winning, while a Hillary/Warner ticket is almost certainly certain to win in 2016.
*All that to one side, I personally prefer Castro, Warren, or Patrick as Hillary's top choices (roughly in that order), but would be perfectly happy to vote for Warner as VP.
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Senator Warner was an effective, moderate governor and he's represented VA well. He does know a bit more about tech than many of his peers.
He also had good taste in other media, notably in foreign films. Just a factoid I know since I asked around after my 2 hours of shared fame, sitting behind him in a movie theater.
I hate to see him leave the Senate because VA is not yet solidly a Blue State and my state's GOP will nominate some moron or Tea Party bumpkin, as they did with George Allen, ironically a victim of Internet politics.
Allen's racist outburst captured on YouTube cost him his last run for the Senate.
Posted by: Iggy | Friday, May 06, 2016 at 11:47 AM