Gingrich's Second Life avatar from 2007
Because this year's Presidential election wasn't crazy enough, there's more:
To political observers of a certain age, the news that Newt Gingrich was on Donald Trump's short list for the vice-presidential nomination was both startling and predictable... Indeed, despite the crackpot nature of many of Gingrich's many policy enthusiasms (his obsession with colonizing Mars is emblematic), his is what passes for a Big Brain in American politics, and as a veep prospect would happily occupy political media in babbling defense of Trump, leaving the Big Guy to wage more strategic battles.
Another crackpot idea Newt Gingrich actually executed: Visiting Second Life to give a speech while guarded by sexy avatar babe mercenaries fending him off from green fairy protestors. Yes, he really did, and that's just the start:
Second Life avatars protesting Gingrich's 2007 appearance
Newt went whole hog on virtual reality, not only making an appearance in SL, but praising it as the future of Internet, lecturing more generally about the Metaverse, and then to top it off, proposed that America's political leaders meet on a Second Life island called Second Legislation.
For those keeping score, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are now seriously considering Vice Presidential running mates who have avatars. But while Democratic Senator Mark Warner mainly just visited SL as a media/campaign gimmick, Gingrich really seems to be a fan. Who knows, if he actually does become Trump's VP, he can do another campaign stop in Second Life -- which after all, already has a horde of racist, pornographic furry Trump supporters.
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Never, ever elect a President whose running-mate has a tie that grows diectly from his Adam's Apple. Bad things will happen.
Posted by: Iggy | Monday, May 09, 2016 at 07:27 PM
Posted by: Carlos Loff | Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 06:10 AM
News Flash from 2007: "A crowd of three gathered today and raised quite a ruckus in support of Speaker Gingrich."
Posted by: Iggy | Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 03:17 PM