no-mod items do not stop the thief. no-mod items stop creative process.
now let me show you how you can enhance a mesh body with few easy-to-paint textures. the body is by Orange Nova Avatars, it's totally mod and i totally love it.
Another tutorial from Mr. Fallen here, and a strange lovely pic here.
I'm so glad that someone says what so many think for so long.
no-mod items do not stop the thief. no-mod items stop creative process.
Posted by: zz bottom | Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 11:15 AM
Don't need a modify-able mesh body for that, everyone can do that with any body offering Omega materials appliers. Which almost any does, except for Maitreya, which has the most restrictive policies, and yet by far the largest market share (>60%).
That only shows not a customer-friendly attitude makes a successful product, but a clever marketing concept.
Welcome to the real (virtual) world...
Posted by: Wolkenreiter | Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 03:05 PM
I should point out that rigged mesh is partially no-mod as the viewer will not allow resizing or repositioning of the mesh on the avatar while it is being worn.
Also: the ownership of one mesh replacement brand does not necessarily preclude the ownership of bodies from another mesh replacement brand. Wolkenreiter fails to leave leeway for Residents who switch between Maitreya and other mesh body brands according to their needs and moods. To what extent is that 60% share consisting of people who don't wear anything else but Maitreya bodies?
One more thing: saying Maitreya has a 60% share of the mesh body market may not necessarily be true - the closest figure I've managed to locate in this regard is about 55% in a survey conducted 2015 by Strawberry Singh.
Posted by: patchouli woollahra | Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 08:22 PM
Another thing that is not mentioned by Wolkenreiter, is that due to the wonderful work of the creator of the Omega applier system, there is a relay that is available, so that the Maitreya forms can and do use the Omega applier system. I do have to wonder why Wolenreiter has decided to try to bash a popular product, since the non-customer friendly comment really isn't one that I have found to be true. In fact, I've found that it to be the direct opposite.
Posted by: Gaea Oakleaf | Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 04:39 AM
@Gaea: correct, sorry for expressing it mistakably: There IS a relay available, but it does not work for Omega materials appliers, so you won't be able to get the results shown in the video. Compare here:
But my actual problem with Maitreya is another one: They make it virtually impossible for new creators to get access to their fitmesh creator's kit, in fact, they will (losely quoting them) only give it out to designers who "have been creating quality SL clothing for several years". Now considering that's always the same brand names you read when it comes to Maitreya clothes, one could suspect it's part of their concept to warrant the profits of those brands by actively denying others the right to create for it... And this aspect is far more significant to customers than the fact whether the body itself is mod or not...
Posted by: Wolkenreiter | Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 05:13 AM
Well, more brands are building mesh bodies that are full mod, sure is not the rule, as it is with hair (can not figure why the approach regarding mesh bodies was not the some used with mesh hair, where most brands allow their products to be full mod, even if rigged mesh is no mod only on position and recize), but i do hope that creators will understand that setting some to be full mod, is not encouraging copy bot but by contrary, allow creativity, from the users.
On the other hand is easy to see why matreya, slink, belleza and so many choose the easy way of setting their products to no mod, that way they avoid having to deal with issues like users forgetting to make a copy, screwing the body and making accusations or bad reviews.
Sadly the fashion community is not prone to use Sl as a building tool, so their lack of knowledge of one can do with a mesh body, if it was full mod, is real.
See PussyCatznip blog to understand several more possibilities when using modifiable mesh bodies and why tat feature should be the rule, not a exception.
Posted by: zz bottom | Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 06:44 AM
Yeah, I'm really not surprised. The fashionista community tends to be overprotective of their stuff, whereas other areas can be different.
Heck, once I asked about ripping a texture or having an applier so I could use it with a resized mesh body for a skin, and the creator *told* me to just rip it myself since I'd bought it. :)
Posted by: Aliasi Stonebender | Friday, May 20, 2016 at 09:06 AM
No-mod items don't stop the theif.
Applier systems make stealing it easy as cake, thuogh.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 12:04 PM
sometimes you can use 256x256 seamless textures with "mod" mesh body to achieve various skin effects, like waterdrops, high definition close-up skin details, etc. the difference in performance when using 256x256 and 1024x1024 textures is dramatic.
Posted by: Beev Fallen | Thursday, June 09, 2016 at 05:02 AM