The Worlds Adrift Island Creator, as the name suggests, is a free building tool for the upcoming single-sharded, fully simulated MMO. (Brief tutorial above.) The tool not only lets you build your own island, but insert an avatar into the finished mini-world, to explore what you built first-hand (so to speak). Even cooler: You can upload it to Steam Workshop for others to download and play in, and even get a chance to have it added to the official MMO when it launches:
Some user-made Worlds Adrift Islands
Build your island using a range of shapes and customise its appearance with textures and objects from the game world. Once you’re happy with your design, switch across to play mode and explore your island from a player’s perspective, all within the tool. Browse Steam Workshop to discover islands that have already been submitted by the community, ready for you to test and rate. The only limit is your imagination.
Get it here. (Emphasis mine, because deja vu LOL. Wonder if Project Sansar will have anything like this.)
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