Of course you can be Donald Trump in Second Life, for just L$299 (about one dollar and pocket change): Offered by someone named "say fairlady", here's the Trump Complete Mesh Avatar, which comes both with red power tie and orange power hair. L$299 too much? Just buy Donald Trump's floating, disembodied head for a low low price of L$199.
Why would someone want to be Donald Trump in Second Life? Beyond comic relief, I'm not entirely sure. (Then again, I don't even know why Donald Trump wants to be Donald Trump.) But then yet again, the opportunities for a virtual Donald Trump who is like actual Donald Trump are limitless in Second Life. There's Trump's large contingent of racist, anime porn-loving fans in Second Life, for one thing, so there's a waiting fanbase. And virtual estate development is Second Life's biggest business, earning millions of US dollars in the process, so his skill set is supported. Second Life used to be a popular place for educators, so why not set up a Trump University in SL? (What with the real one defunct and buried in lawsuits.) Judge a new Miss Second Life contest? Those exist too -- L'Oreal even sponsored one, once. Command an army of fascist furries? Got you go covered there, Donnie.
Speaking of lawsuits, I'm kind of curious if the very litigious Trump files a DMCA order to prohibit people from selling his floating head in Second Life. That would open up a pretty interesting legal conversation on fair use, and the First Amendment implications of imitating a political figure. Maybe he can ask Second Life fan and Trump VP hopeful Newt Gingrich for advice there.
(And no, far as I can tell, there's no Hillary Clinton avatar in SL for sale in the Marketplace, least far as I can see, but that's likely to change soon.)
Posted by: Iggy | Wednesday, June 08, 2016 at 07:07 PM
That is a very well done likeness of President Trump. Say it with me-President Trump.Has a nice ring , doesn't it? I'm gonna buy 10 of them just to support the creator.
Posted by: Free Speech is Dead | Thursday, June 09, 2016 at 08:46 AM
got one looks better with a mohawk and earings
Posted by: Jjccc | Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 09:52 AM
Omg YES. I was looking for just this thing. Time to make some Trump machinima!!!
Posted by: Pearl Berns | Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 07:44 AM
Let me know when you do!
Posted by: Wagner J Au | Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 09:23 PM
Hahahahahha hilarious
Posted by: Odundo Eric | Saturday, July 01, 2017 at 12:19 AM