Since March, visitors to the Lionheart region of Second Life were greeted by a garish recreation of Donald Trump's Florida mansion, complete with a virtual wall:
Last week, however -- roughly around the same time Hillary Clinton was condemning Trump on television and Twitter -- a Scottish leftist LGBTIA activist named Ysabelle Stewart was wandering Lionheart looking for the Trump mansion, when she came across a totally unexpected change of scenery:
A Hillary Clinton headquarters, standing in the exact same place as Trump's mansion. Which seemed too ironic a turnaround to be intentional. In fact, I originally suspected it was the Trump mansion owner trolling would-be Hillary supporters with a dummy HQ. But no, it was even more interesting than that:
"I had come by the Trump site via Kotaku a few weeks back and was amused with its ersatz exclusivity and loud-mouthed ethos," Hillary HQ owner Candace Larganta tells me. "I happened to comeback for a visit and noticed the plot was vacant. Aha! Why not create a Hillary HQ. I support her (and Bernie as well), but lean very heavily in her direction."
And so it stands, just in time for the primaries today in California, New Jersey and beyond: Click here to visit for yourself.
A California resident herself in real life, Candace mentions she was partly motivated to build the HQ because Hillary isn't very well supported in Second Life, at least in terms of official groups: "There didn't seem to be much of a public Hillary contingent on SL," as she puts it, "some 40-odd members that I counted. Sanders and Trump [followers] count in the 200s... I'm asking fans to sign up with an already extant group. I'm merely providing the space, should anyone want to visit. [The group name is] 'Hillary Clinton 2016'."
When you do visit, you might be distracted by the rather large billboard looming above the entrance:
The Bernie billboard was actually put up in reaction to the now-gone Trump mansion, its owner tells me:
"Before the Hillary Center, there was a Trump HQ in that same spot," landowner Psyclonis Draconia tells me. "So I put up my Bernie sign to campaign, made friends with the Trump HQ. They moved to their own sim. Then the Hillary Center popped up in same location." So he left it up there, where it still stands, making it more or less a microcosm of the real life election currently happening offline. "We have discussions at my hangout The Shack," Draconia tells me. You are welcome to come talk with us when we are online an available."
So go to Lionheart to announce #ImWithHer or that you #FeeltheBern, or possibly both -- just don't come looking for Trump hiding behind his virtual wall. Because he's elsewhere in the metaverse -- or in real life, not quite on this planet, at least not anywhere resembling solid ground.
We're having a #HillaryClinton Election Day Party in #secondlife #Hillary2016 Come on over!
— Candace Larganta (@CandaceLarganta) June 7, 2016
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So lovely they built a shrine to a criminal in Second Life for all her fans.
Posted by: Free Speech is Dead | Wednesday, June 08, 2016 at 02:32 PM
Looking at possibly a quarter of a million dead Americans and millions out of work as a result of having a corrupt reality star for president. Not the kind of change America bargained for. But the stubborn are willing to try it again. America will not recover in your lifetime if that happens. Time for Drumpf & the rest of the gators to go.
Posted by: Kathleen | Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 07:03 AM