As of this hour, the total in donations that will be converted from Linden Dollars to US$ is L$586,767 -- about $2300. If daily donation rates keep pace, that total should easily go over $2500 in value by today. Casper Warden, a well-known SL content creator, is converting all donations into real US dollars and sending them to the official GoFundMe Pulse Victims Fund page for Equality Florida (which as of today, has nearly reached $5 million total). I'd love to see the L$ total exceed $5,000 or even pass $10,000, and I know the community can do it. The annual Relay for Life campaign in Second Life for the American Cancer Society consistently collects Linden Dollar donations worth six figures in US dollars.
Click here to make your own donation on the land of Casper, or get a copy of the donation box for your own land here.
If you would like to donate directly please go to this link, especially if you are in the US and donate dollars:
Posted by: Kitty Revolver | Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 08:58 PM
Thanks for adding!
Posted by: Wagner J Au | Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 10:17 PM