Now that the commercial model of the Oculus Rift is showing up in consumers' hands, some of them might want to try their new Rift out in Second Life. After all, Oculus Rift for SL is promoted on the official homepage. Some Rift owners, however, report some not too great results:
First of all, the official viewer with Oculus Rift capabilities hasn’t been updated since 2014... What I didn’t realise was that yes, Second Life will work with an Oculus Rift using that viewer, BUT only if it is the DEVELOPMENT MODEL. My commercially released treasure is more powerful, and NONE of the viewers have been updated to support it. To say that this sucks balls is an understatement.
More ranting in a post cheekily titled "Oculus MIFFED". And indeed, clicking "Explore now with the Oculus Rift" on the SL homepage takes you to an official announcement from October 2014, which takes you to a download link of an SL viewer compatible with the DK2 development kit version of Oculus Rift.
Where's the updated viewer for the commercial version of the Rift? I've asked Linden Lab about this, and will update this post when/if I get a reply. Until then, if you're planning to use your new Rift with Second Life, caveat emptor. (Or however you say "downloader" in Latin.)