We're still seeing a dearth of Project Bento-based avatars since the new SL avatar technology launched, but here's a pretty impressive new demo from Medhue showing how avatar customization works with a Bento-borne avatar -- starring, of course, a talking fox.
Speaking of dearth in Bento avatars, reader Adeon thinks the delay is due to needing a special viewer to see them:
"While you can download the Project Bento Project viewer and upload Bento meshes to main grid, the actual official Second Life viewer can't see them yet. It hasn't been updated."
That's probably a factor, but historically we see a lot of cool updates to SL technology showing up in social feeds (for instance, mesh) long before they were made part of the official viewer. Maybe the fricking sun is just as much a delaying factor?
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"That's probably a factor, but historically we see a lot of cool updates to SL technology showing up in social feeds (for instance, mesh) long before they were made part of the official viewer. Maybe the fricking sun is just as much a delaying factor?"
It's not surprising to me that the hype level is much lower. Mesh changed everything. It was a truly revolutionary change -- perhaps the biggest we've ever seen in SL. In comparison, Bento is only an evolution. Cool, yes, and tremendously useful for certain avatars, but it's not going to completely change everything like mesh did.
Posted by: Taylor | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 08:51 PM