Update, 7/28: Linden Lab Disputes Real Name Requirement for Project Sansar, But Unanswered Questions Remain
Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg made a public appearance in Second Life yesterday during that virtual world's 13th year anniversary, and dropped this potentially unlucky bombshell about Project Sansar:
Ebbe was then asked if users of Sansar would have the option to chose their own names for their avatars, or would they be having to use real-life identities. Ebbe answered he was leaning to the latter, "I think what's best for Sansar is real names. ... anonymous identities makes things confusing."
I missed this press appearance, so it's possible that SL blogger Bixyl Shuftan misheard Ebbe on this point; I'm double-checking with Linden Lab now. But if that's accurate -- still a big if -- that's a pretty big potential showstopper:
Second Life has operated on pseudonymous avatar identities since inception, with the expectation that real and virtual identities should be kept separate by default-- so that would be a major deal breaker for SLers potentially interested in using Sansar. For that matter, I can't think of any major MMO or virtual world based around real life usernames, so this would be unprecedented. Even more concerning, virtual world-based stalking and harassment, especially of women, is a major, disturbing, ongoing problem. It's already a huge issue in Second Life where real and avatar names are generally kept separate.
Again, maybe this was a telephone game problem. Checking with the company, stay tuned.
Update, 6/23: Via Roblem, Modem World has audio and transcript from the interview, which confirms the initial report, but full context clarifies that this real name policy is still being decided:
Second Life is on, I would say, the far spectrum of the anonymity side; and on the other side you have what we call real names, real identities, like probably the most successful real system on planet Earth is Facebook.
And there’s a reason why they’ve been extremely successful with that; and there’s probably a reason why 100% anonymous networks like Twitter and Second Life run into some really interesting challenges. And there are pros and cons; and we’re trying to think of ways of potentially mixing these models, but we have not made final decisions yet.
I have a preference, some other team players have slightly different preferences, so we’ll see where it ends up. But I think what would be best for Sansar would be real names, and then the ability to have personas underneath that.
So I could go into a role-playing, or into an experience as an anonymous user in that context. But to the platform, I am not anonymous. And so, without making that too complicated and confusing, is that the right answer? We’ll see. But I think to, it would certainly help with griefing and other things. And it also supports a lot of interesting use-cases where anonymity is actually just really confusing, and actually gets in the way.
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Well I wont be signing up if we are required to use our RL name as our display name. They have my RL with my billing info, that is enough.
Posted by: SelenaAnansi | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 04:35 PM
I was having to deal with a few IMs during parts of Ebbe's interview by Jo Yardley, but yes, I clearly heard those lines I quoted here. As to why they're leaning to this move, that's something only the Lab can answer.
Posted by: Bixyl Shuftan | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 07:44 PM
I don't see it. People will not open themselves to potential blackmail this way. Can you imagine your employer or spouse tracing what you are doing online?
Posted by: Eddi Haskell | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 08:25 PM
Real names is a non-starter for me. That single statement takes my interest in Sansar to 0%.
But then again Sansar was never targeting the Second Life demographic, so maybe they'll be successful with an entirely unrelated crowd, but it won't have much crossover, I know that.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 08:29 PM
Another piece of the puzzle.
Using RL names makes me wonder if they expect users to "be the product"?
Posted by: Clara Seller | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 10:37 PM
I really hope this isn't the case, I also won't be signing up if it is.
Anonymity is very important on the Internet to most people, giving an open window to be doxed by anyone you walk past is extremely dangerous.
Posted by: Gwigz | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 01:01 AM
This would be suicide on for LL. People are already sceptical, this would ensure 90+% of Slers DONT try it.
Posted by: Issa Heckroth | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 01:40 AM
This is my 'real name', any realler the Lab has on file for other purposes.
And what was the other thing about carrying over existing SL account names?
Posted by: sirhc deSantis | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 03:26 AM
Nonsense, I was there and Ebbe didn't say anything about forcing people to use their real name. End of story.Just like now in SL, people CAN use their real name if they want and that's what he said. Case closed.
Posted by: sonatta | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 04:08 AM
My interest in Sansar is 0, no matter what, so...
Posted by: zz bottom | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 05:28 AM
No one can create a new Second Life but Better,not even linden lab,
Project Sansar & High Fidelity will both be flops in my opinion,use my real life name so some inworld stalker can track me down, in real life, possibly raping me while committing murder on me.
Second Life has a boat load of grievers & stalkers,great going Ebbe if ruining was enough now you want to give perverts access to my family in real life.
I should have known linden lab is being run by a door to door salesman, when not 3 months ago i was kicked out of an official second life event were ebbe had came to talk to residents,kicked out for wearing a fully clothed furry avatar!
by the green lanterns the lindens gave estate powers to at the linden event to pull security!
Nothing shocks me what this man has planned, from forcing people to show real names to letting second life super hero griever groups push & totally embarrass it's customers at community events!.
Posted by: Nobody | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 07:39 AM
Allway go with the 3rd hand unverified Click BAIT HYPE! And who cares what he said in the part that was left out...
Posted by: RoblemVR | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 07:58 AM
Wagner James Au reports first-hand from the Metaverse.
Posted by: Ezra | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 08:16 AM
Oh snap, turns out that "Quote" never happened. Inara Pey has the full transcript, with the audio broken out into topics.
Here is an actual quote. "but do I want that people in Sansar should be able to walk around anonymously? Absolutely! You can in the physical world. I don’t have to have a name tag on myself and show my ID to every person I approach on the street. not that I’m trying to hide anything, but I also don’t think everybody should know what the hell I’m doing all the time. It’s none of your business; it’s my business."
Posted by: RoblemVR | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 10:06 AM
Still main question on those transcripts was not asked.
When Will LL replace Ebbe as Ceo, After Christmas?
Posted by: zz bottom | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 11:10 AM
"Can you imagine your employer or spouse tracing what you are doing online?"
yes i can. i think that would lead to relationships that are honest, and not made up fantasy's where one person says they will only love you alone, then runs around on you using second life as there tool to cheat.
i do not agree with employers having all of your information, and Google using this and other information to track you everywhere you go, online or outside. but yes, i really hope everyone who is in SL is being honest with there real life family's. because right now they are allowed to go rampant, behaving like the worst kind of people and not being responsible to there wife, husband or family. i apologies for my angry response. but it is something i have seen too many times undermine women, children...even men. and relationships as a whole. and just to say, i have no anger towards the poster of that response. but anger towards what is being allowed into peoples relationships to corrupt them.
Posted by: Bellahyae (or princesskalika) | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 01:38 PM
Going over the transcripts, it seems there was an important line of dialogue that I had missed while taking notes. While I'd like to think one could be excused for assuming the Lab could make this kind of mistake (last year about this time, they ordered all independent currency exchangers shut down), the truth is I goofed, and I apologize for stirring up what turned out to be unneeded worry.
Posted by: Bixyl Shuftan | Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 04:24 PM
False Issue - How can they vetify and how many thousands of employes would be needed to thoroughly verify you were using your real name ???
You would be required to send your driving license or in my countrie's case ID Card ???
In my case, I have 6 names in total, would they require only first and last or the whole 6 ?
Cumoon guys, you know better than this
Posted by: Carlos Loff | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 05:29 AM
Facebook does not, in practice, require real names. It merely requires real-sounding names.
And the supposed benefits of real names, like better behavior because actions have consequences, are pretty much shown up as balderdash by the many many sites that exist just to make fun of people behaving badly on Facebook.
And they have been forced to back down from enforcing real names in a number of cases, including mental health professionals who can't use their real names on social media and, drag performers who need to use their stage names for safety's sake, and other edge cases even they have been forced to admit are legitimate.
Google started out copying Facebook, because they thought Facebook's success was due to their broken name policy, and had to comprehensively reverse their policy because it caused too much disruption.
Honestly, Facebook's success is despite their real-sounding-name policy, not because of it.
Posted by: Argent | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 06:25 AM
I really don't see this as a option for Ebbe. I feel if they are going to have real life money transactions, then the Gov. or Banking will require real life names.
Posted by: LaPiscean Liberty | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 06:58 AM
The fake name culture in Second Life has been very detrimental to establishing credibility of the platform for a number of professional and business uses and has give rise to the seedy adult culture in SL that has further eroded confidence and limited investment from those businesses, educational institutions and individuals who don't care about or are able to insulate themselves from the porn industry/culture in SL.
Absolutely every negative experience and problem that I have experienced in SL has been attributable to the fake name policy and the inability of individuals to be sure of whom they are actually talking to really. These problems have taken many forms from people impersonating others, faking artistic performances, faking association with real organizations, and people disrupting business/professional activities through persistent griefing with the victims unable to protect themselves or take legal action due to the fake identities. I have also
Posted by: Linda Rogers | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 10:14 AM
"but do I want that people in Sansar should be able to walk around anonymously? Absolutely! You can in the physical world. I don’t have to have a name tag on myself and show my ID to every person I approach on the street. not that I’m trying to hide anything, but I also don’t think everybody should know what the hell I’m doing all the time. It’s none of your business; it’s my business." - Ebbe Linden
Could you please Reply to this, Hamlet?
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 10:24 AM
(I feel lied to)
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 10:24 AM
I'm talking with LL now. They want me to post a correction but the transcript is still ambiguous, so I'd rather get an official statement from them.
Posted by: Wagner J Au | Friday, June 24, 2016 at 04:34 PM
From how I interpret what was said, this doesn't sound all that different from when SL required a credit card to log in. And these "personas" that are mentioned just sound like alts using the same verification system as was used in the early days before anyone could sign up without any link to who they were iRL (though, of course, that was more theory than fact, given those cases where people who thought they were totally anonymous were tracked down in the course of a lawsuit).
Posted by: csven | Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 02:35 PM
Hamlet, did you ever get that clarification from LL. Bixyl doens't seem unsure anymore.. He says he made a mistake. Where is your update?
Posted by: Amanda Dallin | Monday, June 27, 2016 at 09:07 PM
Writing something now!
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 11:59 AM
Update here:
Posted by: Wagner J Au | Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 05:24 PM
Facebook will only be interested in buying out Sansar if it can sell the user activity data tied to a RL address. Otherwise, what is the point? No profit, no point, right?
Posted by: blarg | Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 10:06 PM
haha gonna be mighty lonely in Sansar.
Posted by: Anabelle Marquis | Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 07:31 PM
Oh, they can bugger off.
I'm even less interested in Sansar now than ever before.
What a bunch of self-aggrandizing tossers.
They really are as clueless and useless as a wet paper bag - and now I think we can add 'mentally disturbed' and 'dictatorship' to our list of adjectives.
Posted by: SC | Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 08:44 PM