If you're still not convinced enough to try out Ever, Jane, the Jane Austen-themed MMO from Linden Lab veteran Judy Tyrer, Kotaku's Cecilia D'Anastasio has an in-depth (dare I say "embedded virtual journalist") profile up now. Don't forget that Ever, Jane players can get a special-to-NWN 100 Pounds Sterling Regency bonus if they post their username in this post.
Meantime, read how Ms. D'Anastasio captures the flavor of the gameplay:
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Can We Solve Second Life's Full-Perm Scams With Simple "No Resell/No Rebox" Addition?
Lots of interesting comments in last week's post about full-perm scams in the SL Marketplace (i.e., unauthorized resell of avatar enhancements). I closed by hinting at a solution I would describe in another post, but longtime SLer/NWN reader Shockwave Yareach may have an even more elegant proposal:
That strikes me as a good idea, at least to keep scams down to a manageable, dull roar. I'm not sure if it's technically feasible without a lot of front back-end jiggering for Linden Lab, but at least it's worth thinking about. Until then, however, maybe SL content creators should follow Vanni's advice:
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Posted on Monday, August 29, 2016 at 11:18 AM in Comment of the Week, Economics of SL | Permalink | Comments (2)