Fun puzzle on /SecondLife: "Lately," says /C_Ghost_Williams, "it seems everywhere everyone tries to teleport me.. I'm 'Banned' though I am not on the list or whatever." SL Redditors in the thread exhaust most of the likeliest possibilities -- no, he's not a newb, no, he's not using a Copybot-enabled viewer, no he's not on individual sim owners' banned list, etc, etc.
Likeliest possibility is one which suggests the state of Second Life in general:
"You could be estate banned," suggests /LilPixelxx. "This list is not available for public. Check to see if these sims are all held by the same group/avatar. You may have been banned by someone who owns 50+ estates." I.E., Second Life land has fallen under the ownership of so few land barons, it can seem like they control access to SL in general. In any case, the mystery persists...
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Yup, estate banned, most likely. For example, if you manage to tick off an estate manager for Anche Chung'd estate, you're going to find yourself banned from many unexpected places.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 09:31 AM
This is so stupid.
My partner and I both joined SL on the same day, within minutes of each other.
Yesterday we decided to look up the destination guide and picked London City Halloween to go check out.
We walked around a little and then found a ferris wheel and jumped on for a ride.
He was promptly ejected and "banned for 60 minutes" because it was "only for new residents", while I was left alone to ride the thing.
Trying to cheer him up, I said, 'Never mind - it's probably a lesbian ferris wheel'.
Nonetheless, I think the whole ban thing is a bit out of hand and entirely illogical - at least, in this instance.
Posted by: Sc | Friday, October 21, 2016 at 11:00 PM