She sounds like Scarlett Johansson (no thanks to laryngitis) but thanks to mesh, looks like Megan Fox -- here's fashionista supreme Daeberethwen Arbenlow, demo-ing another new avatar head powered by the new mega-articulatable Bento skeleton. Now witness a fully armed and operational Bento:
Lady Arbenlow tells me to look especially for adjustments around the eyes and chins for that extra Uncanny Valley-leaping action. A longtime fashion/Photoshop expert, she is psyched when these Beta heads officially start appearing on the official SL grid:
"I'm looking forward to more freedom with mesh heads," she tells me. "With Bento heads you can have both the beauty of smooth mesh and the ability to make your head more unique to you - or even just adjust features to your liking." See also Strawberry Singh's demo for still more delicious Bento tasting.
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It's nice to see some of the old features start returning. Wouldn't it have made more sense to just improve the base avatar? The workarounds like Omega System and non-modifiable mesh parts have made avatars special needs. It's crippled the ability of amateur artists to just come and play for their own amusement. It's neutered males to a population of clones because it's not as profitable to develop mesh for them. It's been years in physical therapy and we still haven't regained the functions we used to have. SL can obviously support all of these disjointed fixes. Why couldn't it support this within it's system?
Posted by: Clara Seller | Friday, September 16, 2016 at 07:57 AM