Here's a fun tutorial video by Cassie Middles, explaining how she manages her Second Life inventory, which like every other power user, is massive, bloated, and scattered. Without traditional RPG elements, lots of Second Life users explore their scary inventory pretty much the same way WoW players might explore the latest dungeon instance. Which is a lesson I hope developers of Sansar and High Fidelity are learning right now:
Linden Lab never figured out how to make the user inventory UI user friendly, pretty much guaranteeing that only the hardest of the hardcore users would ever bother using it over time. And when we're talking about user-created virtual worlds, failure to get the inventory UI right is deadly to sustaining user growth.
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I would think the last thing LL would do is get into the infinite inventory game again. Besides, I just don't see sansar being a user created virtual world as was SL. Nothing that has been said so far points to this. And the longer I have to ponder, in the total absence of any hard facts, why on earth would LL spend time and money recreating something they already have. Something that, although still making lots of money, has become a niche pastime. Surly the idea is to open up to a far wider audience, and any indication that Sansar is just SL2 would surly be the kiss of death to the whole project as far as the outside world is concerned. Personally I would hope that it is going to be an opportunity to reach far more people than is possible with SL, or OS does now. And for that to happen it needs to leave behind a lot of what only us wacky SLers find fascinating, like sorting through inventories:)
Posted by: JohnC | Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 01:13 PM
Inventory is a terrifying dungeon for many of us, and I don't mean the BDSM crowd.
Mine is a rat's nest of old empty folders, half-baked ideas of organizing the morass, and a hall of mirrors of duplicate items.
LL should have put Rust Monsters that eat inventory items in there, for players who don't tidy up. Then warned us that we'd lose stuff if we were unwary. Make a game of it, with rewards!
Posted by: Iggy | Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 02:06 PM
Personally I've turned to CTS wardrobe on my main avie and considering getting it on my others as well tbh. It's time consuming to setup and maintain but worth it. I basically had to abandon my original main because I couldn't stand the inventory. I just wish there was something like CTS wardrobe for furniture and poses.
Posted by: Madeline blackbart | Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 03:19 PM
Thank you so much for this share! i wanted to check out the wardrobe, and was gifted it by a fan, but, until I have it down and understand it fully, I'm refraining on making a video, just to make sure I do the product justice, and not make it look bad due to user error! Have a wonderful evening!
Posted by: cassie | Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 02:56 PM