Just in time for Halloween, here's an eerie tour by Veemonthedemonking through Arranmore, a beautifully horrible island of fog, secrets, and death. (Map link to visit below.) I love "Let's Play"-type videos like this, but just wish there were more with people exploring together, to add player to player repartee, onscreen activity, overall fun. (Witness how hilarious Justin and Griffin McElroy's "Monster Factory" was.) In fact, I want this so much, I'd like to help: If you're a YouTuber about to shoot an SL "Let's Play" and you want traveling companions, Tweet the SLurl at me an hour or two beforehand and I'll retweet, so hopefully others can join the expedition.

Explore the timeless coastal island of Arranmore, with its haunted manor house and photogenic scenery. Enjoy the creepy landscape shrouded in mist. Remember, it is not what you can see that is scary - it is what you can't see. Don't forget to take the flashlight from the station platform when you arrive.
Visit in Second Life
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