If you're not liking last night's election results, here's a very very very very very very very very tiny consolation: Based on this survey, a strong majority of you reading this virtual world/virtual reality blog strongly supported Clinton over Trump. Which I guess is fitting, because most of us may want to spend as little time in Trump's reality as possible. Guess Palmer Luckey or much of his supporters didn't take this poll?
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This says more about the ideological bubble you're immersed in than anything larger.
Don't like Trump? Blame Hillary and her minions:
Posted by: Maggie Darwin | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 11:16 AM
I certainly feel better now.
Posted by: Iggy | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 11:46 AM
To me, this election result feels very much like having to euthanize a beloved pet that has become so compromised that allowing it to continue is inhumane.
https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3774 was the line in the sand that made my support of HRC impossible. I spend too much time at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and see the results of what has happened to our soldiers in these Petroleum Wars we are engaging in. Taking blood money from and selling arms to countries that support the very same enemies that blow the limbs off of our own soldiers is absolutely monstrous. I have to look these people in the eyes. Every American should have to look these people in the eyes and then tell them that their lives and limbs are worth the price that is being put on them. Collectively, their limbs are worth about one million in birthday cash from Qatar and tens of billions in weapon sales to Saudi Arabia.
I don't know. I just think that there is a point to where you absolutely must put something out of it's misery.
Posted by: Clara Seller | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 02:45 PM
this is a sad day for America, and the whole world. it is like they brought Hitler back into power. i really feel worried for the people who will now live in fear and even more persecution: the African, Mexican , Indian, Asian, Muslim and other races. what people don't realize is that once he is done with us, he will soon be moving on to the ones who did not vote for him of his own race... then, the ones that did. he will throw anyone and everyone under the bus for his own selfish and shallow wants. i hope people wake up and realize before they all go over the cliff they have pushed us all towards by voting for him..before it's too late. they have pushed us closer to our own doom. i truly feel sorry for the world on this day.
Posted by: Princesskalika | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 04:51 PM