Does this video featuring the avatar and whispery voice of Strawberry Singh give you a delicious tickling sensation on your spine? Because that's precisely what an ASMR video, which this is, is supposed to do. As Janine Hawkins once explained, it's a popular sub-genre of gaming videos on YouTube:
They cater to gamers who experience ASMR." I.E., Autonomous sensory meridian response, usually a pleasant tingling sensation. Yes, there are game-watching videos devoted to creating that soothing feeling. (One ASMR video channel, as Iris notes, has over 30,000 subscribers.)
Consider me tickled! I'd love to see/hear more SL machinima-meets-ASMR videos like this -- great (and buzzy!) way to experience beautiful locations in the metaverse, hear the real voices of SL YouTubers.
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If ASMR is another way of saying 'rubbing it to a hot voice', then I ASMR'd to completion.
Posted by: Stuart Goddard | Friday, December 30, 2016 at 12:15 AM
I have an extremely opposite reaction to ASMR. For me it causes a physically uncomfortable feeling that can border on painful and I get an urge to throw things.
I did watch some of this video and Strawberry Singh doesn't seem to have the pain inducing whisper voice. At least I only had a mild reaction to her s sounds. She sounds more like NPR host...Which is also hard for me to deal with.
I feel weird having this reaction to ASMR because I haven't come across anyone else who has a reaction like mine.
Posted by: Beatrix | Friday, December 30, 2016 at 05:09 AM
Beatrix. I absolutely hate some of the close to the mic, clicky saliva-y mouth sounds. For me, the right voices and sounds are relaxing. Some people have very whispery soft voices with no disgusting mouth sounds. They are so relaxing to me. Other squishy sounds and eating noises etc make me have the reaction you have. Like nails on a chalkboard. The worst kind! But some people like that. I guess everyone's wired differently.
Go listen to MissChloeASMR on YouTube and see if you have the same reaction as this video. The clicky mouth sound at the beginning of this video...Couldn't hit the pause button fast enough.
Posted by: Lisa | Friday, December 30, 2016 at 04:05 PM
Lisa I've listend to a bunch of different ones and I have the same reaction. It's not so much the saliva mouth thing (although it's an issue) but the whispers make the voices "feel" like they have no weight and it's like having a light creepy touch behind me where I can't see and .."get it off! get it off!" is another reaction I havwe to ASMR videos.
I also feel the need to listen to "hard" sounds or something with "weight".
With MissChloeASMR I had the same reaction.
Posted by: Beatrix | Monday, January 02, 2017 at 02:01 PM