This year we saw a definite decline of great Second Life machinima in terms of full-fledged narrative videos, but we also saw more and more people embrace "Let's Play"-style videos popular on YouTube. On the downside that continued including a lot of trolls who turned Second Life into their favorite platform -- on the upside, it included videos like this one above. Which as I wrote:
Unlike the many trolls who plague SL to produce unfunny asshat griefing videos, this shows how much funnier and awesome Second Life is when you're not trolling players, but playing with them. And unlike many hardcore SLers -- or for that matter, Linden Lab itself --this video shows that Second Life shows its best face when it's not taking itself so, so, so seriously.
Here's a couple other favorites of the more classic machinima form:
"Singularity of Kumiko", Dream-Like Second Life Machinima Funded by Canadian Government
Stylish Machinima Features New Sci-Fi Sim, Laser Cats
What are some other standouts that I missed?
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