‘Sansar’ Will Open to All in First Half of 2017 with a New Approach to Virtual Worlds is a new Road to VR post which doesn't tell us much that's new about Linden Lab's Sansar... except the title itself. Last January, Sansar's open beta was tentatively set for January 2017, and last November, Sansar was supposed to "begin taking users in a larger beta early next year, with plans to officially launch soon after." Now the launch is being nudged back to as late as June 2017. Nothing to be alarmed or surprised about -- tech companies often adjust scheduled product launches a few months back or forward (usually forward) as various delays obtain. But the majority of SL users aching to jump into Sansar may need to wait a month or two (or three) longer than they were expecting.
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Sofa King Secret
Posted by: Metacam | Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 12:21 PM
It's a little annoying to me that those of us that registered our interest with LL for Sansar right away, even though we aren't developers so haven't been invited to join up yet, haven't been kept updated. Some of us *are* keenly anticipating seeing what it's like and have been waiting for that email to arrive "any day now"
Posted by: Mondy | Friday, January 20, 2017 at 06:45 AM