Martina Menegon is an acclaimed performance artist based in Vienna who explores "the instability and ephemerality of the human body as well as the alienation from physicality in today’s digital age", which as you'd expect, means using Kinect and other 3D software platforms as her medium. Here's an in-depth Q&A with her on ArtSlant, and you'd also expect, Second Life is among the tools in her chest... until, that is, she suffered inventory bankruptcy:
Second Life has been and still is a big and important experience and influence for my art. It was the first place where I experienced tridimensional glitches, the frustration of being stuck in a wall, having an arm passing through my body, etc. It was also the place where I started socializing, as I had a little shop where I was selling clothes and furniture. I was part of a design community that created amazing artistic events, and I was always trying to go to art performances and installations there as well.
I was a Second Life resident for almost 10 years, and the only reason I am using the past tense is because I somehow destroyed my poor virtual me for an art project: I wanted to record the result of me attaching everything I owned in Second Life to my avatar (thousands of different hair styles and colors, clothes, shoes, animations, furniture, houses, etc.). I somehow overloaded the system and my avatar started changing, then transformed into a white cloud, and then the software crashed. Since then, whenever I try to open Second Life, the app crashes. I tried some solutions I found online but nothing worked. I will try to contact the Linden Lab soon, because I have to admit, I miss being in Second Life.
Not sure if Linden Lab tech support has a "Performance art" category in its tracking system, but maybe readers can offer some advice. Seems to me she could try and access her account through a third party viewer?
Update, 2:53PM:
Straight from the artist herself via Twitter, she's "Mijn Seoung" in SL:
@slhamlet mijn seoung :-D (but as u might have read, i am at the moment not online because of technical issue)
— Martina Menegon (@mijnseoung) January 11, 2017
It sounds like a problem I experienced with trying different versions of OpenSim viewers when I could no longer use Firestorm on my laptop. I finally had to create a new avatar folder and set that to default and then everything reset itself.
Posted by: | Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 02:10 PM
Although not sure how it helps if you can't actually log on of course....
Posted by: sirhc deSantis | Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 03:03 PM
Logging in on another viewer would certainly be the first thing to try. If the Linden viewer isn't her viewer of choice, then I would install that one. If she is a premium user and can contact support on this, the first thing they will ask about is the viewer and if things still don't work on the Linden Viewer.
Posted by: Chic Aeon | Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 08:24 PM
Might try to first see if she could log in with a text client.
Posted by: Lapiscean Liberty | Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 11:55 AM