The 2016 data from SuperData via UploadVR, as expected, is stark:
The Playstation VR estimate of 750K sales, by the way, is still an educated guess at best, and early signs suggest it's lower than that. Three possibly obvious points here still worth saying:
There is no high-end VR "market": With about 660,000 total owners of the PC-driven VR rigs of Oculus and Vive, we are still looking at a niche of a niche of a niche. And any developer who creates VR content solely for Oculus and Vive is taking a near-suicidal gamble at even breaking even.
More pertinent to readers of this virtual world blog:
There are still more Second Life users than Vive/Oculus owners: 600,000 to 1 million people still log into Second Life every month, with about 600,000 being regular, recurring users. Which brings up an obvious question: If Silicon Valley wrote off Second Life years ago because the userbase was so small, when will the Valley consider writing off high-end VR devices?
Social VR platforms Sansar and High Fidelity are enormous gambles on a tiny market: Both of them, ironically enough, were funded directly or indirectly through Second Life profits... but like I said before, given the minuscule PC VR market, the future of all three virtual worlds are now in the hazard.
"given the minuscule PC VR market, the future of all three virtual worlds are now in the hazard."
don't you the DANGER ZONE?
Posted by: Pathfinder | Sunday, February 05, 2017 at 01:48 PM
Posted by: Wagner J Au | Monday, February 06, 2017 at 11:17 AM