Remember this stylistically realistic High Fidelity avatar modeled after her owner, High Fidelity's Jazmin Cano? Here's how she was created, as explained by Jazmin herself -- a combination of 3D scanning of her actual, physical self, then layered on top with some artistic flourishes:
"I got scanned at Doob3D and one of our artists did a 'pass' on it, which is a cleanup of the mesh using software that includes Autodesk Maya," Jazmin tells me. "Then we had another artist help sculpt around the eyes to help get it a bit more symmetrical."
Then came Jazmin's final flourishes which added personality to the model:
"[L]astly, I took the model and painted the textures directly on it using Allegorithmic Substance Painter. I decided to play with saturated and heavy colors for makeup to help with the more stylized approach. I did the same thing with the hair -- I created that mesh in Maya and decided to keep it a flat black, because I like the stylized look it gives my avatar."
Agreed. Don't tell anyone, but I think her HiFI avatar is more vividly (virtually) "real" than her boss' avatar.