The Mighty Ginkgo is a fun, chatty, and valuable YouTube channel [2:50am: See update below] full of SL development tutorials, mostly around creating and customizing mesh-based avatars. This one above, for example, explains how to import a mesh-based fairy into SL, and then make that fairy fairly giant. Here's the resultant mega-fairy:
Update, 2:50am: Some readers have pointed out this channel also includes videos featuring use of Copybot viewers and other deeply controversial (at best) activity which this blog doesn't endorse. So viewer beware.
Got other favorite tutorial channels to talk about? Post in Comments!
So on her channel she is using and promoting a cracked version of Marvellous Desiner
She has also made a video how to install this cracked version ... not ok then ... don't promote this
Posted by: Rob | Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 11:59 PM
It's true Gingko is a Goon, and you will learn lots of stuff, some of which will annoy others... But you know what, she has done more to promote content creation and in SL, and in kind community heath, than the vast majority of content creators that hoard knowledge like some sort of Illuminati.
There is content and there is art - They are not the same! Wagner, if you want to explore "deeply controversial (at best) activity" then perhaps you should look at mesh body dev kits that are simply not available to the average tinkerer... It is BS, and it hurts the community more than a few hackers ever did.
Posted by: Rei | Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 08:12 PM