VC guru Mary Meeker has just released her latest annual Internet trends report, and as with every year, it's mandatory reading. Unlike previous years, she's devoted quite a lot of space to talking about gaming and virtual worlds, not just as industries, but as pioneers for shaping broader technological shifts and trends. (Starting above at slide 80.) Very interesting stats on the massive growth of Roblox (sort of Second Life for kids/teens) and registered developers with Unity. Couple key slides grabbed below:
No mention of Sansar or High Fidelity in this ecosystem, and not much about VR in particular, though that's not surprising: You really need to get into the tens of millions of users to show up on Ms. Meeker's radar.
I know Im geting old when I see all tech headig for mobiles and my real pleasure is still at my home desk on a wide screen, with a cup of coffee and the whole SL endless posdibilities in front of me !!!
Posted by: Carlos Loff | Friday, June 02, 2017 at 04:55 AM
Nice article
Posted by: Joan | Friday, June 30, 2017 at 06:00 AM
Hello !
My name is Anna and I am doing some research online regarding internet stats for a project.
Your page helped me a lot with finding stats so I wanted first to say thanks! (This is the page I refer to )
As I dig in a bit more, I found this source that was published just now, and I figured you might want to add to your page so your users would have some fresh figures.
Again, thanks for being the first step in my research, and I hope I returned the favor :)
Posted by: Anna Johnson | Monday, July 23, 2018 at 01:17 AM