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Monday, June 19, 2017


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Patchouli Woollahra

People need to get over the fact that systems tooled for a wide range of expressions will inevitably get 'sex' or 'violence' at some point. But LL's care and concern on that point makes sense with Sansar as the world needs to start off with a fighting chance of sorts, and saddling it with the same luggage that half-sunk SL once does not strike me as sensible. hopefully that concern is shared by other folks with permissions to build in Sansar.

sirhc deSantis

"Time to penis" is a great name for a band too. Difficult to enforce? Not really - just don't allow users to actually create or mod anything. Problem solved. Interest again wanes.....

Patchouli Woollahra

Sansar was never going to survive being put up against Second Life. it does reasonably well as a separate experience, but Second Life still beats it on several fronts. Let's not kid ourselves.

I still see a future where Sansar is canned and what tech was developed for it gradually salvaged to put more life into SL, a few years at a time. it certainly explains why some Lindens are still required to portion out their time between the two services.

Carlos Loff

So they want success in an virtual world where avatars wont be able to have penis ? I mean, it is an attachment, therefore it can be detached and take off fly, lol

Or will they embed the penis and female parts on the avatar editor ???

Give me a break - Hire people to enforce, nothing more can be done rather than that

Willow Dion

I’m been in SL long enough to have lived through the flying penis era. For a while I had to get someone from LL come and fumigate weekly.

I’m glad to see LL has learned the flying penis lesson. But LL has made so many other mistakes with Sansar that it is a train wreck.

The best that can happen is like Patchouli says Sansar will be canned and some of the technology will be folded into Second Life. Personally, I won’t be wasting my time with Sansar.

I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if back in 2014 had LL had really started working on SL2.0. They would have had an existing user base to build on which the other “virtual worlds” do not have.


Oh really? Someone is going to check everything i make? You can ban me after the fact - well one alt. Like ill care about losing an alt. The only way that will work is if nobody can build at all. And in that case, WOW is more fun.

You cant keep things sqeaky clean in mainland G areas. You expect me to believe you can do it over the entire universe?

Just Say'n

Very easy to deal with this, just do not spend money in Sansar!.. If they think people are going to buy homes/clothing/avatars with REAL money while getting treated like 3rd graders well good luck with that!

If they really want Sansar to be a success.. they need to spin it off as a subsidiary, operated independent of Linden Lab & Second Life.
perhaps calling the subsidiary Sansar while giving the platform a new better thought out name and direction.
it's still not to late to make the needed changes. game publishers and studios do this all the time, it has advantages both financial/tax wise while allows the team/developers a fresh breath while giving the product/game/platform it's own distinct identity & personality.

TL:DR in a nutshell by spinning off Sansar they distance it from linden lab & current products while they still stay on schedule and still have control allowing the new platform to develop itself as a more unique product by allowing its developers to make it there own.

Willliam Burns


SANSAR = AOL of Virtual Worlds

Second Life = The actual Internet of Virtual Worlds

One is where you go when you don't know any better and need everything sanitized for sheltered people. The other is where you go when you realize there's more to be had.

I think I'll be staying in Second Life for quite awhile longer, then. I've long since put on my big kid pants and don't need things spoon fed to me.


As Linden spokesman Peter Gray put it in /Sansar on Reddit:
(translation from LL post sexual denial blinker speak)
“Sansar will launch this summer in complete denial of the currant source
and nature of its funding. We want to be careful that the reason for our initial existence,and eventual continued perpetuation, does not reveal itself to quickly
to anyone stupid enough to invest vast amounts of real money, into another product that will die a thousand deaths, until at last our much maligned and denied sexual deviant supporters rescue us once again from certain oblivion”

Carlos Loff

Will they allow avatars to use t-shirts with their own pics7textures ? There could be a penis in those t-shirts and avatars surely can fly, so - HERE WE GO AGAIN !!!


What I love about SL is the diversity. Even with the griefing and questionable content, SL is a unique experience. The watered-down Sansar experience isn't for me, even though I'm not a huge fan of things "Adult" on SL.

Fleabite Beach

There go my retirement plans :'(

Alecks Qinan

Adult release is the leading aspect of SL otherwise we have regular MMPORG ... minecraft. That people want a platform to create content possibly non sexual in nature is a fine nice tune to play by but considering what really sells in SL and how female avatars go dressed for the most part and the type of ROLEPLAY that usually always has some kind of sexual undertone this looks like a train wreck already. Good luck not selling what people really want.


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Gildan Mens Hoodie

Adult release is the leading aspect of SL otherwise we have regular MMPORG ... minecraft. That people want a platform to create content possibly non sexual in nature is a fine nice tune to play by but considering what really sells in SL and how female avatars go dressed for the most part and the type of ROLEPLAY that usually always has some kind of sexual undertone this looks like a train wreck already. Good luck not selling what people really want.
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Grace Bernard

What I adore about SL is the decent variety. Indeed, even with the griefing and sketchy substance, SL is a one of a kind affair. The diluted Sansar encounter isn't for me, despite the fact that I'm not an enormous fanatic of things "Grown-up" on SL. blade runner 2049 coat

Essay Writer UK

Very clean to cope with this, simply do not spend cash in Sansar!. If they suppose human beings are going to buy homes/apparel/avatars with REAL money even as getting handled like 3rd graders nicely precise success with that!
If they actually need Sansar to be a achievement... They need to spin it off as a subsidiary, operated independently of Linden Lab & Second Life.
Perhaps calling the subsidiary Sansar while giving the platform a brand new better thought out name and direction.

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What I love about SL is the range. Even with the griefing and questionable content material, SL is a completely unique enjoy. The watered-down Sansar enjoy isn't for me, despite the fact that I'm now not a large fan of factors "Adult" on SL.

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What I adore about SL is the range. Indeed, even with the griefing and faulty substance material, SL is a totally one of a kind appreciate. The watered-down Sansar appreciate isn't for me, regardless of the way that I'm currently not a huge aficionado of components "Grown-up" on SL.
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