Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
The composite of three or four fashion shots pulled together is a standard in Second Life fashion blogging, but Tea Peony (above and below) takes it to a new level. Her composites include different delicious angles that highlight details with narrow and wide slices.
She creates a mood that is fun, cheeky, and she never forgets that the point is highlighting the clothing and accessories. Her blog can be found at Hitchhikers Guide to Second Life.
Mokotana Boa is another fashion blogger who demonstrates how in one image, she can highlight individual details and show the fashions not only in the best possible light, but also project an individual style that makes her work instantly recognizable. I like how she samples three colors and creates a palette for each photo.
She also can lend those same talents to non-fashion decor items as you can see in the photo above. This Road Trip composite from Mokotana Boa is fabulous combination of the sideview mood shot and the details people want to see. She brands photos with her blog logo, but her real brand is her distinctive style. Her blog can be found at Moka's Way.
More masters of composite pics below!
Carolina Sautereau creates a great scene that situates her avatar in time and place and sets a mood and then has a couple detailed shots. Her photos show her avatar in action, living her life, shopping, playing with pets, drying her hair, and generally having a grand time.
Carolina Sautereau creates a great scene that situates her avatar in time and place and sets a mood, and then adds a couple detail shots. Her photos show her avatar in action, living her life, shopping, playing with pets, drying her hair, and generally having a grand time. Her photos show her avatar in action, living her life, shopping, playing with pets, drying her hair, and generally having a grand time.
I love that she does both vertical and horizontal composites. If you look at her stream, you will also find great decor shots as well. You can find her blog at Carol's Style.
Giselle Chauveau does a fabulous job of setting mood and is not afraid to use light, shadow, and playing with WindLight to manipulate the mood of her photos. She is more experimental than most with no specific layout for her photos and composites. Instead she seems guided by her desire to express emotion with her photos. She prioritizes her artistic aesthetic and it shows. Her blog can be found at Saturnine Visage: Beauty Governed by the Stars.
Cora Pomilio takes a completely different approach that is so much fun. Using a layout like a fashion magazine, she adds text that highlights specific details. Her photostream is fun and whimsical. There is not one doing anything like it, so her work is always distinctive and unique. It's exciting to see someone taking such a new approach. You can find her blog at Cora Pomilio on Tumblr.
Yanne Karine has a distinctive style. Like Mokotana Boa, she samples colors from her photos and colors the frame with those colors. She also brands her photos. The headshot photo looks like a polaroid snapshot and then the larger photo sets a scene, usually a scene of living in SL, not just posing. Her blog can be found at Uh La Lah! SL.
Cajsa Lilliehook joined Second Life in 2007 and has been enjoying the art of SL ever since. Disliking the common practice of critiquing poor photos, she decided to highlight good ones and explain why they work in hopes of inspiring with praise instead of criticism. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.