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Wednesday, September 20, 2017


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Great, we’ve had a legion of people staring down at their smartphones while they walk, bumping into each other, falling into fountains, potholes and construction zones. Now, we’ll have the same idiots swinging their phone around in front of them, smacking others with their smartphones and/or their backhand, or getting their forearms mangled and ripped off by passing vehicles.


Great, we’ve had a legion of people staring down at their smartphones while they walk, bumping into each other, falling into fountains, potholes and construction zones.


This is good news for all, I hope this is great.

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Great, we’ve had a legion of people staring down at their smartphones while they walk, bumping into each other


Great, we’ve had a legion of people staring down at their smartphones while they walk, bumping into each other, falling into fountains, potholes and construction zones

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To create an installation medium for your operating system, burn the image to a bootable flash drive or SD card. However, not everyone is aware of how it works.


Finally, after almost a year and half of waiting, the gaming community has o see the moment when it became possible to create and install custom modification for GTA 5. Some of them is set by simply adding files to the root folder of the game, but for a huge number of modifications it's required to modify the archives in the files of the game, which cannot be done without using special software. One of these software, and perhaps the most convenient, is the Open IV. This super useful tool will allow you to easily edit the hidden archives of the game, add and modify files. All you need to do to get all these features is download Open IV. In addition, Open IV, it is very convenient and perhaps necessary tool for the development of mods.

For example, imagine that we need to set a texture that replaces the standard model of a weapon. How can we do this without OpenIV? Of course, it's impossible, but with Open 4 we can do it in just two clicks. With the same success it is possible to easily add new files and folders in the archives of the game that provides ample scope for modding and allows you to do almost anything with the game. It's safe to say that Open 4 is an essential program for any lover of modifications for GTA 5.

You can download Open IV for free from our website, and even directly from this page, here on this link. https://openiv.org/

Demon Khan

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