Full detail on Strawberry Singh's Flickr
Hurricane Irma is currently hurtling towards Florida with brutal, deadly force, so it's time to stop talking about virtual worlds awhile and put out a message for virtual world blog readers:
If you're reading this post and are impacted by Hurricane Irma, please let us know you're safe, or if there's any way we can help you.
I know there's lots of NWN readers based in Florida and other impacted regions. Among them is SL blogger/YouTuber supreme Strawberry Singh, a Floridian who just posted this message on Plurk with the defiant, can-do spirit like the red blooded American she is:
I'm in Central Florida. We're not evacuating but we're all prepared with generator, portable gas stove and lots of supplies cuz we'll def lose power. I probably won't be around for a few days now so take care of yourselves, your families and your pets too. Be safe and have lots of Hurricane sex.
Great advice all around, especially the last point. Take care, all, and keep in touch!