Roro nails are attachments for Second Life avatar hands being sold for a singular, important purpose: All Linden Dollar sales are going directly to SLer Kioko Kumaki, so she can convert them to US$ that'll help her get back on her feet. IRL she lives in Texas, and was devastated by Hurricane Harvey. The accessories are being sold by her friend Rowan Carroll, who she knows from a roleplay group.
"[Kioko and her family] are safe," says Rowan, "but are currently homeless and could use a little help. Kioko loves mermaids and often played one on the roleplay sim we both RP on. So I made some mermaid nails for Maitreya and Omega. ALL money goes to her... I can't offer her a place to stay, or send a helicopter to help." Then again, neither can most SLers who'd like to help. You can also buy these nails from Rowan's in-world store here.
Readers, if you know of other SL-based fundraisers for anyone impacted by Harvey's devastation, please post details in Comments and I'll update this post!
I'm sure there are plenty of SLers affected by the storm. A friend of mine from SL lost her home. She's found a place to stay, but she's lost almost everything she owns. I'm also in Texas but I'm just north of the area affected. It's pretty bad south of me.
Posted by: Amanda | Friday, September 01, 2017 at 03:35 PM
Please give to the Red Cross or Samaritan's Purse. I've been put off giving to SLers for things since the Haitian earthquake. The person who spearheaded that thing took some of the money and its well known. Why can't this person make themselves known so people can paypal them directly? I would maybe do that but I am not going thru a SLer to give money to someone else. People are just too shady anymore.
Posted by: Make It Count | Friday, September 01, 2017 at 03:42 PM
I heard about a Furry avatar modification being sold of which the maker says she'll donate all the proceeds to H-E-B Texas Grocery, which says "100% of donations will be distributed to the American Red Cross, area Texas Book Banks, Salvation Army, and Texas Search and Rescue/Cajun Navy."
Posted by: Bixyl Shuftan | Friday, September 01, 2017 at 04:55 PM
Hi! Rowan here! Thank you so much Hamlet. To set the record straight, the person who let us know about Kioko gave us her Paypal address, but I REALLY didn't wanna make it public. I don't have a lot of RL money to give so I thought the best way I could help my friend is to make something that other people might enjoy and wouldn't mind spending a little money on. For Transparency sake here is a Gyazo of my Marketplace orders, showing the distribution of the sales. $2L goes to LL, and $47L goes to Kioko. The "Net Amount is how much goes to me" The vendor in the store is set to pay her 100% of the money you pay it. I'm not getting a single $L from this.
Posted by: Rowan Carroll | Friday, September 01, 2017 at 10:16 PM
It would be nice if LL stepped in on humanitarian efforts like this by zeroing out the commission they take from SL Marketplace sales and cash-outs on a one-off basis. Yes, I do realise it's open to potential abuse, but if it's that much of an issue, perhaps LL could withhold just the amount that would have gone to commissions pending proof of actual charity.
Having said that, I think I should get these nails on my next login, they may not be Maitreya enabled but charity is charity :D
Posted by: Patchouli Woollahra | Monday, September 04, 2017 at 12:18 AM
Oops. they ARE Maitreya/Omega enabled. sweet!
Posted by: Patchouli Woollahra | Monday, September 04, 2017 at 12:20 AM