More evidence Linden Lab is making good on its August promise to give Second Life a massive update: The company is now hiring an "SL Generalist" capable of QA-ing Second Life performance across multiple platforms:
The QA Engineer will perform testing across Second life services (mostly Server, some Viewer & Web) and related client applications in an expansive system architecture. Ideal candidate will have experience in testing of software applications and client/server integration.
I like that they're looking for someone who can take a holistic approach to QA, since so much of the virtual world experience happens across so many different platforms. Sort of odd that a stated job requirement is just "2+ years as a Software Quality Assurance Engineer", since they probably want someone with at least 2x that. Also notable:
"Deep familiarity with and enthusiasm for Second Life" is a bonus point for applicants, so if you're reading New World Notes and you're qualified, you probably have a leg up on the competition and should apply.
Did i say this before?? LL will learn from Sansar and put some of it in SL.
Posted by: cyberserenity | Tuesday, October 03, 2017 at 01:02 AM