BVN Blogger & Vlogger Secret Santa Swap, as the name suggests, is a fun online event for the holidays:
Join in the BVN Secret Santa Swap and we’ll pair you up with another blogger or vlogger for you to ‘gift’ a blogpost. It’s the season of giving and goodwill to all bloggers (and vloggers) and to share the joy of the season we’re organizing the chance to be randomly given the name of another blogger for you to promote on your blog. Just fill out the form here before the 5th December if you would like to participate and we will draw all participating bloggers names from a Santa hat.
Event hosted, of course, by the Blogger & Vlogger Network for SLers on social media. I just signed up to participate in the Swap, as did Strawberry Singh, who tipped me to this project after coming back from a brief blogging hiatus.