Click here to take a short but intriguing survey about Second Life usage created by Amy Cross (millay Freschi in SL), an interdisciplinary PhD candidate with the University of Maine whose study focuses on relationship of avatar use in virtual worlds, and offline identities.
"I ask questions about offline and online personalities," as she puts it. "I ask about the importance, the ease and frequency of changing the avatar appearance. I also ask a lot of questions about relationships in SL and the effect on offline relationships. Activities that transfer from SL to offline. How anonymity affects activities in SL. and of course, demographics. There are 48 questions with space in most for additional comments. The comments have been fascinating."
Start here to read the academic ethics disclosures before clicking through to the SurveyMonkey survey. Fortunately for us all, Amy's agreed to share the (anonymous) results and comments with NWN, so stay tuned for those soon(ish)!
Picture via Amy at a 2009 event in SL (in foreground with long hair, green shirt).
Is there a way to see the results of the survey?
Posted by: Philip Ulbrich | Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 01:39 PM
Perhaps I'll set up a presentation and give preliminary, unanalyzed results but I'm going to run the survey through 2017 and will give full results in January or early February.
Posted by: Millay | Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 04:22 PM