Hey remember when someone idiotically suggested that Bitcoin might be a great virtual currency for indie virtual worlds like those based on OpenSim, the open source spinoff of Second Life? (In my defense, that was back in 2011.) But yeah, no:
YrGrid denies allegations that it is refusing redemptions in order to profit from the recent spike in Bitcoin prices. Instead, the problem is caused by their Bitcoin wallet service provider, said the grid, which is a Hong Kong-based commercial gambling-oriented grid with a Bitcoin-based virtual currency... YRGrid, known as a Bitcoin-based gambling grid, brands itself as a Bitcoin economy in OpenSim and uses Bitcoin as their in-world currency meaning users and residents can spend and buy land or services with Bitcoin in the virtual world without having to exchange to Gloebits or Podex or other in-world currencies... In a Twitter response on December 14, YrGrid said, “bitcoins isn’t money you lost nothing.”
More good reporting from David Kariuki of HyperGrid Business. While much of the controversy stems from how the virtual world owners are responding to community complaints, even the best run MMO that tried to operate with Bitcoin would take on a whole host of heartaches -- especially now, as Bitcoin value wildly fluctuates.
Mister Kariuki is a bit of a star. And some of those comments..well. Who knew what a tangled web etc.
Posted by: sirhc deSantis | Saturday, December 23, 2017 at 02:40 PM