If you're in the Bay Area early next month, Pear Therapeutics is looking for volunteers to help test a peer support group app created for mobile VR. (This a prototype illustration.) Here's the details from development lead Heather Browning:
"We are looking for 8 people who would be interested in attending a personal growth workshop in VR; the theme is still to be determined. Anyone over 18 is eligible to be a user tester. Our ultimate goal is to build a mobile app for facilitating peer support group meetings in VR that support addiction recovery, BUT the test workshop will not focus on addiction recovery and is not designed to help addiction recovery. Specific times have not been set for this workshop but participants will need to be able to get to our offices in east SOMA San Fransisco in early February."
Click here to register your interest. Full disclosure: I briefly did some consulting on this project, which I personally think is pretty promising and innovative.