Metaverse problems: You use Second Life, founded by Philip Rosedale and team, and you're interested in trying out High Fidelity, also from Philip and his crew, but you don't know anyone in HiFi. Or say you're in High Fidelity, wishing your SL friends would hang out with you there, but you're feeling a little... a little lonely.
Zeja Pyle may have a solution for you, a web-based app for texting from SL to HiFi and vice versa. (Here's background on it from her blog.)
Here's the Second Life HUD you'll need to use in the SL Marketplace. Second Life/High Fidelity user "Judas", who tipped me on this, says it works pretty well. (And no, his advice won't betray you, his name of course is a Bob Dylan reference.) To use it in Second Life, you do need to enable Media in your settings -- click below to see the helpful .gif animation Judas created for us for 30 silver Lindens: