“Justice League Second Life” by Flight of Osiris - click to enlarge
Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Pop culture fans are sure to love the Flickr stream of Flight of Osiris. He has a fascination with characters from film, comic books, and politics, and memorializes that interest in Second Life. He also shoots portraits of other people that are excellent at revealing personality. Often there can be a flat affect in SL portraits, but his are full of life. From movie superheroes like Batman to popstars like Beyoncé to a portrait of Putin as a popstar supervillain, his works are vivid and realistic. Since my interview, Osiris changed his Flickr display name to “Project 17-73” in honor of a photo project he is working on to photograph men at all ages as depicted in Second Life. For all that that more, read my interview with him below:
“Lemonade” by Flight of Osiris
Pop culture seems to inspire a lot of your work, superheroes, characters from television, music icons, and politics. How do you approach creating such effective SL images?
I have a big interest in politics and pop culture and its relevance to everyday social commentary, whereas once it was simply the purview of geeks and old men, so I always try to imagine that if I was creating a GIF for Twitter how would it translate through a SL picture.
If you apportioned the time for each shot to preparing the avatar and scene, shooting the raw shot, and post-processing in some editing software, how much of your time is spent on each part? Can you describe your process from your initial idea to the final product?
The inspiration takes ages to come up with, I can go through a dry spell where I'm not satisfied with anything but once I get an idea, then usually takes me about an hour to make each picture.
As mentioned above, the idea for each pic comes from imagining what a GIF looks like through an SL pic as most people use GIFs on Twitter to convey a message that through words would take ages -- I try the same technique in SL. I'm not interested in conveying a story like some people, more I just want to provoke an emotional response as quick as possible.
Much more below: