VRChat seems to have established a solid little community of regular users, but to sustain that use and grow from that foundation, it'll need to deal with a history of trolling users, and a (perhaps unfair) reputation for not doing enough to stop same. Enter The Panic Button:
Panic Button - In the event that unwanted audio or visual spam occurs or that frame rate tanks you can now engage a “Panic Mode”. This mode will visually mute any avatars and audio mute any users who are not your friends.
This from VRChat's most recent release notes. This is a smart and reassuring reassuring feature, but in actual implementation, but it's not a "button" than a complex cheat code. Imagine getting hardcore trolled and not panicking while you try to remember any of these options:
- Desktop: both Shift keys AND ESC key
- Rift: both triggers OR both grips, AND both menu buttons (B/Y)
- Vive: both triggers OR both grips, AND both menu buttons
- Windows Mixed Reality and other VR controllers: both triggers OR both grips, AND both menu buttons
- XBox Controller: both triggers AND back AND menu buttons
- Once you enable Panic mode, you must disable it by unchecking options in the System menu:
- Mute Users by Default - All users except for your friends will be mic-muted until you friend them
- Block Avatars by Default - All users except for your friends will have their avatars blocked until you friend them
I'm no Jony Ive, but maybe a big red button labeled Panic Switch might be better?
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