Reader "Pulsar" tips us to a cool-looking game group based in Second Life that makes the many highways of SL into an open-ended adventure game:
There is a group called "Drivers of SL". Every week they release a special HUD, that turns your driving along Second Life roads into an adventure (often it involves boating and sometimes flying or trains). There is a story and NPC bots that interact when you come closer. The HUD guides you and tells you when to turn using a recorded voice, text, and icons. There are nice prizes that you get along the road (usually good vehicles), and many other fun things. Easter drive saw a 1966 Ford Bronco with working suspensions, for example, and you had to hit eggs, while avoiding chickens. Another time the HUD simulated a car crash, hospital, etc.
Just search "Drivers of SL" in the viewer, or follow the founder, Christi Charron, on YouTube. As the above suggests, the graphics won't necessarily be next gen unless you have a topline PC, but as Pulsar explains, the pleasures of riding through a totally user-generated world go beyond visuals:
Second Life feels so large, a world. Sometimes you meet new people along the road (or at least that happened to me, someone even joined). And you think of all these things that you are seeing around you, different landscapes, volcanoes, bridges and complex roads, gas stations, towns, and more and more, while you travel for hours. You think all this was created and built by people like you... for years. And when you travel, maybe sharing the experience with other people and friends, you have an huge freedom and amount of possibilities. Dedicated games can excel at something, but only sandbox multiplayer games can come a bit closer to this. Gameplay can come before graphics, and Second Life can be used for anything, besides games. Apart servers and "Viewers", SL is all the creativity freedom and its users and communities who created and made it, interacting, sharing their dreams, and building all over the grid for 15 years.
This is all very true. Blake Sea is another group that does this with the seas of Second Life, and I'm definitely interested in highlighting those exploring the world by air as well.
This one I am going to have to try out.
From the description it sounds like I can use my ownvehicles - which would be great as I have stacks of them in SL.
Posted by: Pussycat Catnap | Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 11:46 AM
It is a hoot and yep run what you brung =^^=
Posted by: sirhc desantis | Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 12:59 PM
I always wanted to street race but there is no group maybe people don;t like lag.
Posted by: Crystal Gatter | Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 03:43 PM