Click and watch in as high definition as possible and careful your jaw doesn't get bruised when it hits the floor. Released by Unity 3D a few months ago, it was meant to show off Unity's scriptable render pipeline:
Book of the Dead demonstrates what is possible when using Unity 2018’s new Scriptable Render Pipeline, which provides enhanced customizability of Unity’s rendering architecture, putting more control in the hands of the developers... All of the natural environment assets in the demo are photogrammetry-scanned real-world objects and textures. The majority of them come from Quixel Megascans, a publicly available library of high-quality scanned assets, which is used widely by high-end game production and film VFX professionals alike.
Video via longtime virtual world developer Adam Frisby, who in a heavily geek-tastic comment, explains the challenge of bringing older 3D graphics such as those in Second Life on par with Unity 3D:
Keeping content looking modern for the long term (10+yr horizon) - requires a healthy amount of forethought and planning explicitly for it. More input data than a single texture helps a lot too. (Look at film rendering for hints at what is to come - what they're doing today, games'll be doing in 5-10 years)... This is compounded by the average system spec, which is now getting quite old; and 'modern' computers tend to be laptops with underpowered Intel chipsets -- your average user does not have a gaming PC...
[B]y the time this [demo] is implemented (which is a 2+ year project), the technology will be even further ahead --- the brains in rendering these days are jumping all over the realtime raytracing tech Microsoft, AMD and nVidia just announced; which looks potentially phenomenal.
If you want to make this happen, you need to accept that content'll have to be re-authored, or at the very least, tweaked, and "old stuff will look quite bad" - which might be better suited for a '2.0' product where that kind of thing can happen.
Really awesome!
Posted by: Pulsar | Friday, April 20, 2018 at 03:51 PM
Posted by: Rob | Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 04:14 PM
Really impresed with that graphics...and some people think that the graphics of pubg are good enough...omg
Posted by: pubg mobile | Monday, April 23, 2018 at 08:34 AM
The graphics look unreal! Awesome!
Posted by: John Mckay | Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 08:54 AM
Keeping content looking modern for the long term (10+yr horizon) - requires a healthy amount of forethought and planning explicitly for it. More input data than a single texture helps a lot too
Posted by: Ahmed khan | Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 04:49 AM
really great :)
Posted by: CODM | Wednesday, March 04, 2020 at 09:57 AM
really nice :)
Posted by: munali | Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 03:01 AM