NWN columnist Cajsa Lilliehook, who co-launched the Avatars Against Trump group on Flickr which was featured on Rolling Stone, is seeking virtual world/MMO art in protest of the Trump Administration's ongoing abuse of refugee families. (Trump's recent executive order does nothing to reunite the thousands of children already separated from their family.)
To submit an image around this ongoing crisis, upload it to Flickr and hashtag it #FamiliesBelongTogetherSL.
For inspiration, here's one of the submissions, by Saffron Foxclaw:
Because beating your breasts publically, to display your fashionable faux-outrage is so much more rewarding and useful than cutting a cheque to the ICRC or Amnesty International.
Posted by: David Cartier | Friday, June 22, 2018 at 04:43 PM
In 2015 there was a lawsuit over how Obama was treating these kids. Pictures of how they were housed in 2014-15 and before are used to claim Trump is mistreating them now. https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/06/21/in-2015-judge-demanded-obama-release-children-mothers-detained-in-deplorable-conditions/
Sen Nelson does political theater on the won't let me in in front of a detainee facility. Days later when HHS opens the facilities in Texas he is nowhere to be found. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/sound-off-south-florida/sfl-u-s-sen-bill-nelson-tries-to-enter-homestead-facility-housing-migrant-children-photos-20180619-photogallery.html
Time lies with a misleading cover and claims it is the right thing to do. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/time-mag-thugs-correct-misleading-cover-then-stick-by-their-fakenews-cover-anyway/
Everyone blames Trumps for laws controlling how the kids are handled and passed way before he was in office. Think Clinton Bush Obama eras. Obama just didn't enforce the laws, a violation of his oath. People are not thinking about what it means when a President doesn't enforce and abide by existing laws.
The amount of fake news is overwhelming. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=comprehensive+mainstream+media+fake+news&t=h_&ia=web
Is anyone actually digging for the facts?
Posted by: Nalates Urriah | Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 10:52 AM
Thanks Nalates, for laying out the facts.
What's happening is horrible, but the road to these horrors have been paved by a crew of our most admired. If we're unwilling to look at that, we're also the problem.
When the media is working this hard for our attention and crying their tears at a million dollars per droplet, you can bet there is something going on they they don't want us to look at. My guess would be Social Security and Medicare "reform".
Posted by: Clara Seller | Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 12:24 PM
Yeah Nalates, someone is actually digging for the facts, and that one is not you. For once you could be less blind by your arrogance and read something different than fake news and propaganda, that has been already debunked.
Here, have a good read:
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.
Posted by: Signý Vilhjálmsson | Monday, June 25, 2018 at 10:07 AM
Trump and his advocates assume none of us know the difference between law and policy. Law is passed by Congress and signed by the President. The law they refer to was signed by George W Bush. However, how law is carried out is policy. The policy under Obama was to issue ankle bracelets to asylees and expect people to show up for their hearing. Nearly 100% showed up.
DHS Data Tables https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/YRBK%202016%20RFA%20Excel%20Final_1.zip …
The ankle bracelets cost $36/day for monitoring and families stayed together. In April 2018, Sessions issued a new policy that "superseded all previous policies" as it proclaimed in the document. That policy required indefinite detention of asylees and family separation. Sessions went on television to explain that family separation was a deliberate choice because they believe it will be a deterrent. This costs us 139.40 per day adult and 775 per day per child all going to private prison companies who were huge donors to Trump. That's a hell of lot more than 36/day with added trauma and inhumanity.
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/20/cost-us-immigrant-detention-trump-zero-tolerance-tents-cages.html …
Yes, under Obama minors were detained. Unlike these minors, though, they were unaccompanied minors who made the journey on their own fleeing the gangs and violence at home. When they were detained, being minors why could not just be released with a monitor and were detained prior to being placed with their family, foster homes, or being deported depending on whether they were granted asylum. This was a huge crisis in 2014 when the number of people coming spiked and was the result of the number of children overwhelming capacity.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_American_immigration_crisis#From_the_government …
The TIME cover is not misleading. Yes, the individual child was not separated from her mother. That does not erase 2053 who still are. You can't pretend they don't exist. Homeland Security itself gave that number. We don't have pictures of them because the Administration won't allow it and won't even allow the Red Cross in to see how children are doing.
https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/06/23/fact-sheet-zero-tolerance-prosecution-and-family-reunification …
Nalates says Obama didn't enforce the laws in the same post she claims he was the one locking kids up in cages. Pick a lane. This is the doublethink of authoritarianism where they assert two contradictory things. He did enforce the laws, he did lock kids up. Immigrant allies called him deporter-in-chief because he dramatically increased enforcement relative to Bush.
As to sources, you cannot credit Nalates for providing sources when they are ones like Gateway Pundit. If you doubt that, google "stupidest man on the internet". No credit for citing the Daily Signal which labels itself as providing a conservative analysis of the news. Those are not news sources, they are not even credible partison sources. They are conspiracy-mongers.
Posted by: Cajsa | Monday, June 25, 2018 at 11:15 AM
So what these kids are separated. That's the price the 'parents' have to pay. Personally, I would keep them together-by sending them back together to their country of origin immediately.
Enough of these illegals. ENGOUGH. They do not deserve to leap frog people who work damn hard to become citizens the LEGAL way!
They leave shit hole countries only to come here and bring their shit hole lifestyles with them. Enough!
We can't even take care of our own citizens and yet we are supposed to bend over backwards and give the illegals everything? NO MORE!
And Cajsa, you just keep heaping unwarranted accolades on Obama, because that guy is the worst president this country has had to date, hands down. You are just parroting leftist SJW echo chamber b.s., as is typical of someone of your ilk.
Posted by: The End | Monday, June 25, 2018 at 12:12 PM