Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Summertime, and the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high
While Summer does not officially start for a few more weeks, it sure feels like Summer on my Second Life Flickr feed. I am enjoying the virtual sunshine and thought I might share a few of my favorites.
Kylie_Jaxxon captures the brilliance of the sun in “R & R”. Doesn’t it put you right there on the beach, the sun so white and bright it burns your eyes, the muscles tighten, and you reach for sunglasses before they tear. That’s summer in a nutshell. The bright, eye-pricking glare of a white hot sun.
Key Monk’s fabulous photo of the Adele sim. I love the retro feeling he creates with the slightly yellow undernotes as though the picture is pulled from a drawer full of memories. There’s that slight curve of sunlight barely visible, but there. I also love how rectilinear so much of the photo is with the dock, the waterline, the land, and the boat contrasted with the wild curves of the foliage.
“Les ailes du ciel” by R just makes me happy. It makes me think of a Midsummer festival, full of joy and flowers. I love how it seems the flowers are dancing, too.
Butterfly Beach by sare is another photo that captures that retro feeling, both by being framed as a Polaroid and by that slightly aged yellowing. It captures those beautiful days where the sun and the sea and indivisible. I have noticed many seaside photos have lighting or filters that suggest they are a few decades old. I wonder if that is when most of us were having fun at the beach on childhood vacations that we have not time for now we are adults.
Many more below!
I love “Summer on You” from Luane Meo at Luane’s World.. It reminds me of summer days at the beach about five miles from my house. The lake was fed by so many springs the water was always fairly cool even during the dog days of August. It also had a three-board diving tower where we would play a game we called Simon Dives, like Simon Says, but with diving. What makes this picture remind me of that? All the clutter! People would bring baskets with food, extra clothes, books, and everything else. Those of us who were lake locals would be in awe of their needs.
This untitled photo from Gidge Uriza is another favorite and likewise for nostalgic reasons. A short walk through the woods behind my house would bring me to a big bay on our lake and there was a fallen tree perfect for lounging and reading while watching the muskrats, beavers, and loons. There was no volcano in the background, just miles of forest, but I completely identify with having that perfect form-fitting log and sunset is primetime for watching loons.
And lastly, the beautiful sunset of summer with the winds that come up off the ocean make perfect weather for kites. Here’s “Landscape Dialog” by Abi Latzo bringing it all to life. The grass on the tops of the dunes, it’s gorgeous.
Cajsa Lilliehook joined Second Life in 2007 and has been enjoying the art of SL ever since. Disliking the common practice of critiquing poor photos, she decided to highlight good ones and explain why they work in hopes of inspiring with praise instead of criticism. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
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