New analysis of the Second LIfe grid from expert Tyche Shepherd uncovers a secret new continent emerging from the digital waters:
A brand new 80 region terraformed continent appeared on the grid last week. Currently closed to the public it's composed of 80 moderate rated contiguous regions names SSP1 to SSP80, I'm assuming these are Lab owned (though it's nearest neighbours are Private Estates) and have marked them as Linden Lab owned.
For her Grid Survey analytics reports, Tyche has created a fleet of bots which scout the Second Life grid, looking for new sims and the disappearance of old ones. (Though thanks to the recent discount on sims, less are disappearing lately.) And since those bots are usually first to spot new land, the little emoji island seems to be a friendly trolling message directed specifically at Tyche:
Hmmm do they know I'm watching ?
— Tyche Shepherd (@tycheshepherd) August 26, 2018
No word yet what this continent will be, but you can certainly speculate here. If they asked me (and you know they didn't), I'd make the entire continent damage-enabled and free build, and launch it as Second Life Battle Royale -- can you imagine the emergent insanity that would ensue?
They could name the new continent Jesse.
Posted by: Amanda | Monday, August 27, 2018 at 04:05 PM
The geography here may as well have been drawn by a child. Take a glance at Sansara, the cloned portion of Sansara which is the former Teen Grid: look at the interesting shapes of Satori, Natulius, Corsica, Heterocera.
Have all the Lindens who had even the slightest grasp on how to make a good looking mainland since been fired and replaced by people who don't use the platform at all? How is it that land made in 2003, even textured as poorly as many of those continents are, still manages to look better than any of the Linden land brought online post-2009? Making a swathe of new regions is a complete waste if they are devoid of character.
What you're looking at here is the work of someone who got paid to do a worse job than the paying residents could themselves have accomplished.
Posted by: TudorMop | Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 05:08 AM
Looks like a landing spot for new avis.
Posted by: Lorelei | Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 07:04 AM
TudorMop had a great post and inspired me to pull up the map and appreciate the love of adventure that was put into the old SL creations. It was pretty great.
80 new regions? If I try to do Labthink, I'd say it's an "experience" that's themed on an anticipated trend that's based on an upcoming movie and it's designed to bring in new revenue and probably has nothing to do with current customer desires. Sorry, but I'm just kinda used to that "it ain't for you" package with a bow on it.
Posted by: Clara Seller | Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 07:56 AM
The style puts me in mind of the old Linden Homes continent-things. Could this be more of the same, using 1024 parcels? I'd expect there to be a lot made available at the start, which maybe needs this sort of area. Would people abandon the old-style Linden Homes? How would the old 512s be used? Could they be converted to new-style 1024s as people moved out?
Posted by: Trumpton_Vixen | Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 10:54 AM
Here is the latest.
I spotted roads today mostly by accident and only when I cammed out to a certain level (there appear to be some JIRA issues with the map for some of us lately). Also it looks like the beginnings of a harbor with boat docks in the north.
The new plots are of varying sizes with something close to a 4096 as the smallest. "MOAR" COULD stand for Mature or Adult Residences. It could of course stand for other things too. Fun to watch though.
Posted by: Chic Aeon | Wednesday, September 05, 2018 at 10:50 AM