Lots of discussion over last week's post on SL Secrets and its impact on the Second Life community. I made the mistake of describing SL Secrets as "Second Life’s largest blog", because as reader Chuck points out, depending on how you define "blog", that's arguably not true:
Have you heard of Seraphim? SL Secrets is not the most visited blog dedicated to Second Life content. I would agree that most people do not admit they check the SL Secrets website, but clearly do, or they would not have such high statistics. SL Secrets is most likely the most visited blog dedicated to negative Second Life content.
Seraphim SL, devoted to in-world sales and events announcements, has been getting 900,000+ monthly visits throughout 2018, according to SimilarWeb, and even crossed the 1 million monthly visit mark in March. Which suggests seriously impressive growth over the last few years, and makes it many times larger than SL Secrets, or for that matter, any other SL-centric blog that I'm aware of. So to Chuck's point, SL Secrets is probably* the largest SL news/opinion/gossip blog, but not the most visited overall.
* Emphasis on "probably", because as I should have learned from 12+ years of doing this, it's a risky thing to say anything is definitively the biggest/first/etc. in any Second Life category. (This is even true for web metrics, since many SL sites have poor SEO and are hard to find on Google, but still have large readerships visiting via in-world groups, Facebook/Flickr/Plurk groups, etc.) For all I know, we could find out later that there's a Portuguese-language blog for Brazilian SLers that's actually the largest.
You can't change facts by writing a blog post about it and stating it is so.
You know that SLSecrets earns more views than Seraphim. If it's going by just a 'site', then SLS takes the win. Just because it's negative doesn't mean anything and that you can discount it. Report and truth.
Posted by: Oh | Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 12:00 PM
SL Secret pageviews for August 2018: 144.53K
SLSeraphim pageviews for Augus 2018t: 909.36K
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Friday, September 28, 2018 at 02:00 AM
The Seraphim SL has a lot of visitors and I agree with the idea that if you post events and sales on this, many people will be interested.
Posted by: slope game | Friday, March 22, 2019 at 12:42 AM
this guy in left sidebar in top looks like jacky chan :D
Posted by: slopunia | Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 09:03 AM
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Posted by: vin lookup | Friday, July 10, 2020 at 02:31 AM