YouTube has attracted a growing number of Second Life creators who make a decent side hustle vlogging about SL content and activities (the queen likely being Strawberry Singh with 13,000 subscribers). NWN YouTube correspondent Cassie Middles (who has a respectable following of her own) lays out some of her own personal tips for becoming an SL vlogger of substance and style:
"Find your original style, what makes you you and why you vlog.
"Remember, what we do in SL should always be fun, don't ever do things that stress you out or make it feel only like work.
"Get your basics if you can afford it: computer, editor, camera, and ways to make your graphics your best friend in SL.
"Depth of Field and Viewpoint also super help out with your vlogging, making you the sole focus when you want the video to just be focused on you."
Speaking of the last two points, catch Cassie's SL Hacks for technical tips:
Post questions for Cassie in Comments below or on her YouTube, and don't forget to subscribe.