Here's a fun, weekly mini-game on the Instagram of Dr. Helen Papagiannis, an influential author and speaker on the topic of Augmented Reality. As suggested by the screengrab here, you have to guess whether the image posted every week to her Stories is a real photo or an Augmented Reality screenshot. After 24 hours, she reveals which category it actually is; good chance you'll guess wrong.
"My game Real or AR was inspired by just how good Augmented Reality is getting and the double takes I found myself making, as well as the influence AR and the digital was having on the real physical world," she tells me. "The game became a way to share my research and love for AR — as well as art — with a larger audience in a fun game. It’s been awesome to watch the game grow and to play it with people around the globe both on Instagram and on stage in my keynotes."
As with the real or virtual human web quiz I posted awhile back, aggregate answers to previous Real or AR games from Dr. Papagiannis have been wildly off base. 77% of people guessed that this image was AR (but it's real), and while many thought this image of a mesh building was AR, it's made out of actual wire mesh.
I'll update this post when Helen reveals this photo's ontological substrate! I'm personally guessing Real, but a high tech Evil Deceiver may be flimflamming me.
Update, 12/19: Answer is now available below - it may surprise you!
Dr. Helen DMs me: "You were correct, it’s real! You’ll have to read the post for a cool twist that happened :) And I also show in my story how it could have been AR with a quick demo I mocked up."