Here's the latest in-world interview from Syrmor, who's fast become VRChat's version of an embedded journalist and roving human interest reporter. In this video, he interviews a kid in a Kermit the Frog avatar who talks about the pains of growing up as a teenager with ADHD who feels socially awkward, especially in group settings where he is ignored, or ridiculed for his short height or long hair.
But in VRChat as Kermit -- free from a real world context and all the stresses caused by real world social expectations or prejudices -- he comes across as eloquent, confident, and wise beyond his years.
Kermit was a childhood hero, a lovable, empowering character who "reminds me of when I was happier", as he puts it. "I can make friends in VR, and they won't treat me differently based on my height or based on the way I look. It's the closest form of anonymity [without] being anonymous -- like where people still know you."
Also featured: The point where Kermit has to let his cat outside in the real world, so pantomimes the motions of taking off his HMD and then going AFK. Totally breaking immersion in a surreal way.
This guy does a bunch of interviews like this on his channel. Of note there's Jordan that adorable angel cat and the Korean vet with a bird avatar (can't remember the name sorry). All interesting and enlightening in a way. It's interesting to see the inner worlds of people expressed online. They're almost never what you'd expect stereoptypically they'd be.
Posted by: Madeline blackbart | Friday, January 25, 2019 at 02:46 PM
I'd like to see more videos like this. Excellent.
Posted by: Tim | Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 08:42 AM