Alianaberry posted this YouTube demo of what looks to be the first user-created, add-on streaming radio for furniture objects in Sinespace (a proud NWN media parter). In other words, rather than set a land parcel to stream music, you can attach this radio to furniture like a lamp or a table or indeed even an old timey radio object. (It's listed in the Store under the Furniture tab as "381 / TWI Attachable" from TW Innovations.) Includes a whitelisting feature so only select users can adjust the music stream, because there's nothing more annoying that someone just randomly changing your radio. The Sinespace team tells me that a future update to the viewer will include spatial audio, so the streaming music will be louder or softer based on your avatar's physical location in relation to the radio. That could become a great way for easily adding sound effects and ambient music into a scene.
Hat tip: Zareshadows.
Update, 4:10pm: Clarified post per Sinespace developer Adam Frisby (see Comments below).
Hey, slight correction -
I know a few users have made radios before (there's a bunch more in the shop already), including some spatialised ones (I think the Nuklear Radio one is spatial). What makes this one unique is it can be added to existing items in your scene already (so can turn an inert item into a radio)
Posted by: Adam | Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 12:48 PM
Amended, thanks for the clarification!
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 04:07 PM
you can insert any of the radio's into any furniture or indeed into a wall if that is what you want no need for a 'special' radio all you do in region edit mode is simply place the radio into the object simples...
Posted by: Nova_1 | Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 08:21 AM