Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I love Absinthe's photo "Wish You Were Here" because it is everything it should be: An old black and white Polaroid snap of someone in a specific moment. The train speeds by and the blur she added in Photoshop gives us that movement. So does her skirt and her hair blowing in the gusts of the train.
So, in terms of SL fashion styling, this required finding not just a skirt, but a blowing-in-the-wind skirt, and not just hair but blowing-in-the-wind hair, and both of similar intensity. This takes time and attention to detail -- which you might discover if you browse Flickr for long and find the photos of trees blowing one way and hair blowing another. Other details that are often missed: She took off her shoes and made her feet flat. Her shoes are in her hand. This is someone who didn't just put on an outfit but thought out the implications of her clothing in the photo.
Her Flickr stream is called "Absinthe's Polaroid Moments" because all her pictures reflect that conceit:

You even have pics that were probably tossed on the dashboard or taken with a Polaroid that's been sitting for ages without being used, the first picture showing the damage of sunlight and exposure.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
Thank you so much for displaying my work! I appreciate this so much. <3 You've made my week!
Posted by: Absinthe | Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 03:02 PM